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October – November 2002

The October-November issue combines a reminder of the summer’s events – Worlds, Nationals, the Vintage Rally – with practical advice for pilots and clubs.

Rich Hood and Dave Watt describe their Silver medal wins; we have reports from Enterprise and the Inter-Uni Task Week; while Ian Dunkley’s coverage of the 30th International Vintage Rally is written with his usual inimitable eye for detail. (You may have heard what Scotsmen keep under their kilts, but do you know what’s written inside Vikings’ helmets?)

On a practical note, Bob Pettifer, chairman of the instructors’ committee, offers tips on approach control, immaculately illustrated as always by Steve Longland. And Simon Adlard’s series on thermalling concludes with an explanation of how to use other gliders to climb … and when to leave.

Also in this issue, Platypus supplies the first article in English to describe what it’s like to fly the new 101ft-span supership, Eta. (The view down the wing is quite something.) Closer to home, Andy Sanderson describes how he achieved his ambition to fly around London from Wormingford – a first for the site – on his third attempt. It was slower than using the M25 … but a lot more fun. Martin Simons examines new evidence on how birds evolved from dinosaurs; Jochen Ewald tries out the latest version of the DG-808B, and Neil Rathbone of Buckminster GC asks if your club’s in a spiral dive. His thought-provoking article is bound to prompt debate in the club bar.

Finally, we know that you can enjoy wave flying any time of year, but in the UK in autumn flatlanders’ thoughts turn to silk-smooth lift along lenticulars. We’ve been saving up some of the best photographs sent to us over the past year to create a gallery of inspiring wave skyscapes.

We hope that you enjoy the flights of your dreams this autumn.

Helen Evans
Editor, Sailplane & Gliding
Use the others to climb

In the third and final article in his series on thermalling, Simon Adlard explains how to exploit company in your thermal, and when to leave


Flight test: DG-808B

Solar panels and the NOAH pilot ejection system are two of the updates that impressed Jochen Ewald when he tried the latest version of this popular motorglider


Approach Control

Bob Pettifer, chairman of the BGA instructors’ committee, explains why, when it comes to landing, near enough is not good enough


The best parties in gliding?

Ian Dunkley reports on the 30th International Vintage GC Rally, with photographs by him and Geoff Moore


Third time lucky

Andy Sanderson’s jaunt round London took longer than on the M25… but it was a lot more fun.


Hard work in Hawaii

Ian Dunkley explains why, if you’re flying from Dillingham Field on Oahu, it’s better to use the runway…


How dinosaurs took to the air

Martin Simons updates us on the latest research into the evolution of birds from dinosaurs, while Chris Hughes looks at the question of how pterosaurs soared.


Europeans: decisive flying

Dave Watt flew his Ventus to Silver at the European 15-Metre Championships in Hungary. He describes an enjoyable and successful contest

Is your club in a spiral dive?

Neil Rathbone, the chairman of Buckminster GC, asks if your club is entering a spiral dive and explains his club’s plans to get and keep new members

Lasham 2002

Wendy Durham has gathered the stories from the Club Class and 18-Metre Nationals – told in the competitors’ own words


Whatever the weather

Oliver Ward reports on a showery 15-Metre Nationals at Gransden Lodge and adds his own daily learning points


Rich wins second Silver

Rich Hood won Silver again at this year’s Club Class Worlds in Germany. S&G asks him what the secret of his success is


Competition scene

Jamie Allen describes the European Aerobatic Championships at Pasewalk; Andy Perkins was one of a group of Juniors who went to Enterprise; Leigh Wells won the Rolex Western Regionals; Pete Freeman reports on the Bidford Turbo Regionals and Guy Hall explains how the Inter-University Task Week strengthened links between students.


The chance to learn

David Wardrop describes what Ted Lysakowski Trust winners have learned … and how you could benefit, too


Also in this issue:

BGA and general news; BGA Communications News; BGA Technical News; BGA Development News; your letters; Reviews; Gliding Gallery; club news; club focus (The Soaring Centre); obituaries; BGA Badges; incident and accident summaries; and safety (Don’t hurt your head to save your back).
Tailfeathers: Plat reveals what keeps him awake at night, is mocked by the younger generation and travels to Germany for a flight in Hans-Werner Grosse’s new supership, Eta


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