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June – July 2005

Whether you like it or loathe it, you can’t say that Wolds GC’s new launchpoint control vehicle lacks imagination. If their converted Shorts 330 airliner fuselage seems a little excessive, just be thankful they turned down the offer of a Boeing 737! For the full story, see the June-July issue.

While we’re on the subject of impressing the assembled crowds, we’re delighted to publish Guy Westgate’s advice on flying gliders at airshows. Guy is best known to S&G readers for his jaunts abroad (last year, he and Paul Barker flew to Mount Etna and back), but he is also one of the UK’s leading aerobatic glider pilots, holding a BGA aerobatic instructor rating and serving as a CAA Glider Display Evaluator. There has been a lot of discussion recently about airshows as a means of promoting gliding, so his article is a timely contribution to the debate.

Every two years, the exhibition halls at Friedrichshafen, Germany, host Europe’s largest trade fair, AERO. At AERO 2005 last April, two halls were entirely devoted to gliders. Hall A2 (pictured) contained a range ofbeautiful vintage aircraft courtesy of the Vintage Glider Club, whose president, Chris Wills (pictured, left, with BGA Chairman David Roberts) was presented with an award in recognition of his pioneering contribution to the world of vintage soaring. Meanwhile, Hall B2 featured the latest offerings from European manufacturers and suppliers, ranging from the new Duo Discus X fresh from its maiden flight, to HPH’s plans for a jet-powered 304s. Our third picture shows Tilo Holighaus, MD of the Duo’s makers, Schempp-Hirth, talking to and one of the software design team for the anti-collision system, FLARM, and Switzerland’s new LAK agents. For many more pictures from the show, see the magazine.

Also in the June-July issue, George Rowden describes an unexpected and enjoyable flight along a squall line; Pete Stratten outlines BGA Safety Initiative thinking about some factors that help make clubs safer; Debb Evans talks to Jack Harrison – Weatherjack – about why he glides; and British Junior Team member Mark Parker explains what he learned from training in Spainwith Worlds Gold and Silver medallists Pete Masson and Richard Hood. With one eye on the forthcoming National Gliding Week, we also examine what gliding clubs can do for charity, and print our regular update to the BGA club map.

Finally, if your ambitions are fixed firmly on badges rather than medals, you mustn’t miss Basil Fairston’s comprehensive article. As the BGA’s Badge Officer he explains what you need to do to ensure that your badge qualifying flight really does qualify.
Whatever your soaring ambitions for the next few months, we hope you fulfil them. Happy flying.

Helen Evans
Editor, Sailplane & Gliding
How to fly airshows

Guy Westgate, familiar to S&G readers from his highly popular travels with his toothbrush, is also a BGA aerobatics instructor and a CAA Glider Display Evaluator. He shares his air display expertise


Soaring the unexpected

His first launch after a short, weather-induced lay-off gave George Rowden a flight he’ll never forget – even though he didn’t reach his goal


What makes clubs safer?

BGA Chief Executive Pete Stratten, who is also a member of the Association’s Safety Initiative team, explores what we might learn from the lower accident rate enjoyed by service clubs


Alias Smith & Jones

Although he’s a power pilot now, Adam Holden will never forget what he learned as a teenage student in gliders


Cabin crew

Wolds GC has chosen an old airliner fuselage for its new launchpoint control vehicle. Tim Milner, whose brainchild it was, reveals why…


On show at AERO 2005

Friedrichshafen in Germany was the place to go in April to see Europe’s largest general aviation fair, the biennial AERO exhibition. Helen Evans reports on gliding highlights


What clubs do for charity

We’re told that charity begins at home. But what can a gliding club really do to help others? Debb Evans has been finding out


New England in the Fall

Rick Hanson, CFI of Sugarbush Soaring, waxes lyrical about the view from his Vermont club


Homing pigeons and all that

How a nice, sunny day can lead you into a false sense of security


Combining two loves

Known to users of his site as Weatherjack, Jack Harrison began gliding as an air cadet and is still going strong today. Debb Evans asks him why


The cross-country mind game

Mark Parker offers a personal perspective on his week of team coaching by Pete Masson and Rich Hood in Spain


Get badge claims right

The BGA’s Badge Officer, Basil Fairston, explains how to make sure of your badge or record claim – and how to cheat


Also in this issue:

British Gliding Association news; your letters; BGA Development News; BGA Airspace News; BGA Technical News; BGA Communications News; BGA club map; Salutary Soaring; club focus (Anglia GC); club news; obituaries; BGA Badges; AAIB summaries; incident and accident summaries

Tailfeathers: Having given up flying P1, Plat owns up to a few things he hasn’t before revealed…


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