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October – November 2005

Five hundred and four kilometres at 150km an hour, in Scotland, in September. It’s just the most recent in a series of epic flights by a small group of pilots who are exploring the boundaries of wave flying. S&G was a little bit too far ahead of the game because, before group member John Williams flew this latest great flight, we’d already got his fellow pioneer, Roy Wilson, to write an article for this issue. But if you want to know more about what John, Roy, Jack Stephen and Richard Arkle are achieving all year round above the Highlands, Islands and Lowlands, and to pick up a few tips on wave flying for yourself, then see the October-November S&G.

From wave to thermals, and it’s been another medal-winning season for the British team: nine in total, including two Golds and a clean sweep of the Standard Class podium at the Junior Worlds. This issue of S&G – as well as a special supplement on the Junior Worlds – contains a ten-page round-up of the international contests where the Brits have shown their mettle.

Also in this issue, Jochen Ewald tries out the turbo DG-1000T; Formula 1 engineer Martin Bester takes a look at the similarities and differences between sailplane and racing car aerodynamics; and Dick Skerry recalls a flight where he went 50km without stopping to circle – in a K-13. Jerry Pack offers his personal manifesto on using the BGA ab initio syllabus to teach cross-country soaring from the word go. Nick Gaunt describes eight days’ wonderful weather for Competition Enterprise at the Long Mynd and Joe Fisher and Mike Cuming provide the latest in our series of articles about gliding for people with disabilities. On a sad note, we have tributes to former S&G editor Gillian Bryce-Smith and to Neil Stuart Lawson of the white planes picture co, both of whom died recently.

Finally, we have an inspiring story from Debb Evans, who after six years of staying pre-solo decided to confront her fear of flying head on … and won. Find out what she did in the October-November S&G.

Keep current – and keep having fun.

Helen Evans
Editor, Sailplane & Gliding
T-Time for the DG-1000

DG has produced its first turbo with the DG-1000T and Jochen Ewald puts it through its paces


Exploring the limits

Roy Wilson is one of a small group of pilots pushing the boundaries of cross-country flying in Scottish wave. He hopes to whet your appetite and offers wave soaring tips if you’d like to join the fun


They all look the same to me

F1 aerodynamicist Martin Bester explains some of the similarities and differences between gliders and racing cars


Soaring an invisible ridge

Instructor Dick Skerry relives a memorable flight over the flatlands in spring this year: 50km in a K-13 without circling


Start as we mean to go on

We teach only cross-country soaring, period – the personal manifesto of Jerry Pack


Practising at the Bicester Regionals & Racing from Australia

Junior World Championships competitor Adam Woolley offers a long-distance perspective on what racing in the UK is like while South African Dick Bradley offers the Chief Steward’s View of the contest


New Standards

New Junior World Champion Mark Parker reflects on the British Standard Class team’s win, while Hugh Brookes offers The Met Man’s View of forecasting the competition and Rietje Schuit de Luij offers The Dutch Team’s View


The club to join

From a phone box in Canada, new Junior World Champion Christoph Nacke told S&G how the German team won Club Class Silver and Gold


Three medals – and 1,011km

Räyskälä will be remembered for setting more than 1,000km for the Open Class. Gold medallist Pete Harvey reports


Silver in Nitra

Andy Davis gives a view from the Standard Class on how the Brits fought back at Nitra


Winning women

Liz Sparrow reports on a wet but successful Women’s Worlds, where the Brits took two medals


Directly facing fear

Debb Evans reveals how she confronted her fear of flying with a course at Lasham – and won


Slaying the dragons

Nick Gaunt considers eight days’ wonderful weather, flying Enterprising tasks over Wales and beyond


Mods and ops

In the latest article in our series about gliding for people with disabilities, Joe Fisher of the Scottish charity Walking on Air describes the mods to their K-21, while Mike Cuming adds more detail about technical modifications for hand-operated rudders and looks at operational matters


Also in this issue:

From the BGA Chief Executive; British Gliding Association news; your letters; Tributes to Gillian Bryce-Smith and Neil Stuart Lawson; BGA Development News; Gliding Gallery; club focus (Essex & Suffolk GC); club news; obituaries; BGA Badges; AAIB update; incident and accident summaries

Tailfeathers: That noisy, smelly, heavy, obnoxious thing behind the pilot…


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