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August – September 2004

July in the UK may have been less than perfect for soaring pilots, but we had some spectacular conditions in May and June – and this issue of S&G reports on the spectacular flights that resulted: Phil Jones’ 982km, Russell Cheetham’s 1,020km; Ed Downham’s 800km FAI triangle and the jaunt from Aboyne to Lasham by Afandi Darlington and Gordon MacDonald. Mike Miller-Smith was just defeated trying the UK’s first disabled 750km, but still turned in a distance that would make most able-bodied pilots envious.

If the flatlands of the UK don’t do it for you, how about the superb scenery of New Zealand’s Southern Alps? Andy Perkins describes a flight around Mt Cook, complete with close views of crevasses and the sight of lee waves curling over and breaking, while Peter Newport and Gavin Wills outline the attractions of flying from Omarama, the site that gives you access to this magnificent playground. Stunning photography from the team that brought you shows you what they mean…

Back in the UK, National Gliding Week offered clubs the chance of boosting their profile – and having some fun in the process. We take a look at how one club, Bowland Forest, made the most of the opportunity and how Cambridge Gliding Club helped its local Bishop get even closer to God.

Also in this issue, Jochen Ewald tries out the new short-eared version of the Ventus 2cxt; Jay Rebbeck’s account of the Club Class Worlds really puts us in the cockpit with the team above the Norwegian forests; there’s good news from Bicester; Arwen Hunt takes us back to those pre-solo highs and lows; and Sally Longstaff has been larking around to good effect. Last issue, we reported how she was given a glider of her own; this issue, she tells us how she achieved her Silver in it.

There’s still lots of soaring to be had during this UK summer: I hope you manage to grab yourself a slice of it. Now, can anyone out there beat 91km/h around 1,000 kilometres in the UK…?

Helen Evans
Editor, Sailplane & Gliding
BGA 75th anniversary

This tribute to the gliding pioneer Robert Kronfeld by his son, Bill, marks the centenary of his birth, and the BGA’s 75th anniversary


Short-eared Ventus

Jochen Ewald tries out the new Schempp-Hirth wingtips for the Ventus 2cxt in 15-metre mode


Acres of coverage for £125

Phil Punt of Bowland Forest recounts how his club got itself ready to make the most of the UK’s first National Gliding Week


THAT weekend

Mike Miller-Smith beat muscular dystrophy to fly 730km of his declared 752 – an unparalleled achievement for a disabled pilot. His story heads our look at that weekend of May 22-23, 2004


A grand day out

Russell Cheetham’s 1,000km, Ed Downham’s 800km triangle and the flight from Aboyne to Lasham by Afandi Darlington and Gordon MacDonald all go to make a grand day out…


Should we be here?

Briton Andy Perkins recalls a memorable flight in New Zealand, while Peter Newport and Gavin Wills outline how you, too, could make the most of soaring from Omarama


In my Skylark to Silver

In the last S&G, Sally Longstaff described how she was given a glider of her own. Now she tells us how she flew it to fulfil her next gliding goal – Silver


Overseas Nationals

Al Clarke reports on this year’s Senasa Challenge at Ocaña


To solo in three-and-a-half-days

Arwen Hunt’s Lasham diary describes how an intensive five-day gliding course enabled her to realise a childhood dream


Salutary Soaring: sarcasm and sweetness

Mike Terry and Kate Rodham explain how her launch failure injured him…


Norwegian Silver

Fresh from the Club Class Worlds in Norway, former Junior World Champion Jay Rebbeck takes a look at three defining moments in a team performance that secured a hard-won Silver medal for the Brits


Gliding continues at Bicester

After a gap of nearly 50 years, Windrushers GC has been resurrected, joined the BGA and begun operations on the historic airfield at Bicester. Emily Bryce describes the club


Also in this issue:

British Gliding Association and general news; your letters; BGA Development News; club focus (Shenington GC); club news; obituaries; BGA Badges; incident and accident summaries

Tailfeathers: after 45 years, Platypus has stumbled upon the secret of soaring success…

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