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February – March 2002

If your household is anything like ours, you’ve already started saying to yourself: “only a few weeks now till the thermals really get going”. The next S&G suggests some of the seasonal treats in store for us.

Regular readers will remember Chris Davison’s inspiring tale of how, after 14 years of local soaring, he finally broke the site barrier and escaped cross-country. Now there’s no stopping him. Despite foot-and-mouth, last season he gained his 300km from his home base of Saltby… on 12.6-metre wings. The February-March issue prints his Gold Distance Diary.

What can get you home at the end of the day when all else fails? Convergences, of course. New Zealander Gavin Wills explains in his usual inimitable style why these form and how to use them.

You’ve probably already heard that Britain’s brilliant track record from 2001 was enhanced in South Africa by yet another medal and a team prize. Storms like the one pictured were a mixed blessing, though: find out why in the February-March S&G.


You don’t have to be a hotshot racer to want to glide in another country. Richard Bennett enjoyed soaring the Austrian Alps so much that he keeps on going back. The same superb scenery gave Roger Fothergill a 50th birthday worth waiting half a century for. The February-March issue presents their stories … and their stunning photos.


Finally, a tip if you’re one of those readers who prefers to buy S&G off the shelf. The February-March issue can sell out completely, so you might want to pick up your copy sooner rather than later. It should be on sale by the end of January. Happy reading!

Helen Evans
Editor, Sailplane & Gliding
More grunt for the Grob

Aerotow by motorglider is the launch of the future, says Jochen Ewald. He describes trying out the Grob 109 with a turbocharged engine


Defending freedoms to fly

The future structure of, and access to, airspace in the UK and Europe is probably the most important challenge to gliding in the next few years as fundamental changes are proposed from Europe. Carr Withall provides an update on what is happening to defend our freedoms to fly


Australia on a budget

Simon Bennett explains how an expedition enabled him to get three weeks’ gliding in Oz – for the cost of a ten-day package holiday in Europe



Why span is for wimps

Chris Davison shares his diary of securing that elusive Gold distance – in a 12.6-metre AC4 – while Geoff Bridgewater argues that, if you’re in the right place, Gold height is easy.


New kid on the block

Sarmed Mirza describes how he is fulfilling a long-held dream – by learning to fly


Elusive lift: exploiting opposing airmasses

In the third article of his series on soaring in the mountains, Gavin Wills offers advice on using convergences – a type of lift that can materialise when all else fails


Instrument flying

The BGA organisation has at present insufficient resources to create and maintain an instrument rating for glider pilots, writes Bob Pettifer, Chairman of the BGA Instructors’ Committee. However, in the interests of safety this article by Chris Heames is offered as a template for the sort of training required for those pilots who want to cloud fly or who inadvertently find themselves in or above cloud due to a lapse in awareness


Adventure in Austria

Richard Bennett enjoyed the Austrian Alps so much that he’s been back three times in five years, while Roger Fothergill celebrated his 50th birthday there in style…


Remembering a legend

Louis and Lazlo Rotter recall the engineering and soaring achievements of their father, Lajos, a century after his birth.


African Silver

Storms brought mixed fortunes to British pilots at Mafikeng, where we achieved six day wins, Team Bronze and a Silver medal. S&G reports on the contest in South Africa and hears from some of the Brits competing in their first world championships.


Safety and instructor currency

Graham Morris outlines his study of instructors’ currency and safety, which he presented to the instructors’ committee of the BGA last autumn


Also in this issue:

BGA and general news; BGA Development News; your letters; BGA member clubs’ annual statistics; Gliding Gallery; club news; club focus (Borders GC); obituaries; BGA Badges; incident and accident summaries; safety articles (Would you survive? And When safety needs action).

Tailfeathers: Plat suggests a new kind of ladder competition, issues a warning about spotters and comes up with a helpful suggestion for the editor


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