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October – November 2003

I’d rather be gliding, says the cliché. And it’s true that many glider pilots would prefer to go flying rather than wade through articles about the administration that governs their sport. But every British glider pilot should take the time to read this issue’s update from BGA Chairman David Roberts about the new European regulations that affect British gliding from the end of September onwards. He warns that we are experiencing some of the most far-reaching changes since the BGA was founded – and that uncertainty and change are very definitely on the agenda.

Not everything in Europe is bad news, though. Adrian Emck, to pick one example, speaks highly of the soaring conditions in Spain, where he did 750km in a K-6cr this summer. Guy Westgate, too, fancied a little continental travel – and set off with a friend in their self-launchers on an out-and-return to Sicily! Adrian’s and Guy’s stories – along with some excellent photos – are in the October-November issue.

This issue contains interviews with Andy Davis, who this summer earned his second World Standard Class Gold, and with Jez Hood, who has taken over from Jay Rebbeck as the Junior Standard Class World Champion. Keeping up with the Jones was a problem for the world’s 18-Metre Class talent: Steve and Phil Jones report how they earned their medals.

Also in this issue: how a UK gliding club is using the latest WiFi developments to cut admin time; and BGA instructors’ committee chairman Bob Pettifer offers some sensible advice on spin training.

Wherever you’re flying – enjoy it!

Helen Evans
Editor, Sailplane & Gliding
Uncertainty and change

David Roberts updates us on some of the most significant changes to hit UK gliding in the 70-plus years of the BGA’s existence


Flight test: DG-808s

DG has revamped its 800 for both competitions (loads of water) and clubs (an easy ‘first flaps’ glider)


Who needs glass?

Adrian Emck did 500km in the UK in 1996 and attempted 750km in Spain a year later. In 2003 he gave it another go…


Gold Standards

Another successful year for the Brits! At Leszno, Andy Davis and Steve and Phil Jones brought back medals while at Nitra Jez Hood and Luke Rebbeck made it to the podium


A vintage year

Ian Dunkley reports on two rallies, quite different in character but both great fun, which show why vintage gliding is thriving: the Camphill Rally and the VGC International


Heading for Etna

The latest of Guy Westgate’s legendary journeys takes him (with friend and toothbrush) across the English Channel. His destination? Mount Etna.


Oh no, not spins!

Bob Pettifer talks about why you should make sure your skills are up to scratch in this important area


Leigh wins at HB

Gary Stingemore reports on this year’s Standard Class Nationals at Husbands Bosworth, which was won by Leigh Wells


Beating the gaggle

David Masson describes how he developed his own style of flying to win his first national competition…


Oxford goes WiFi

Less time on admin and more time for beer: Ian Shepherd explains how he has realised every club official’s dream…


Pilots’ illusions

In the final part of his series on human factors affecting glider pilots, Ian Atherton examines the illusions we all suffer from


Also in this issue:

British Gliding Association and general news; BGA Communications News; your letters; BGA Development News; club news; obituaries; BGA Badges; incident and accident summaries
Tailfeathers: Plat begins the return trip to Kitty Hawk

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